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AD VERBUM has been EN 15038 certified for six years. In 2015 the EN15038 certificate was replaced by ISO17100 quality standard, thus giving the translation services quality certification a global reach.

AD VERBUM has received the ISO17100:2015 certificate upon the expiry of its EN15038 certificate. Inspecta carried out quality certification.

At the same time, AD VERBUM was re-certified for its ISO9001 certification.

ISO 17100:2015

Translation service quality certified company.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality management system certified company.

ISO 27001:2013

Information security standard certified company.

ISO 18587:2017

Machine translation output post-editing quality certified company.


HIPAA ensures the confidentiality of patient data, granting patients rights over their health information.

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2027 National Development Plan Latvia

On 28.03.2024 AD VERBUM Ltd. signed an agreement No 17.1-1-L-2024//180 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on receiving support for export assistance under the project “SME Innovative Business Development” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.